We cook it. We deliver it.

We just made your favorite nata available for take-out. 

Delivery is available from 11 am-8 pm. 

Why Choose Us?

We are a small artisan store dedicated to the satisfaction of your palate, our main objective is to take you to your childhood at the same time contributing taking care of planet 🌍 being a 100% responsible company with the environment.

Somos una pequeña empresa artesanal dedicada a la satisfacción de tu paladar, nuestro objetivo principal es teletransportarte a tu infancia al mismo tiempo aportando nuestro granito de arena siendo al planeta siendo 🌍 una empresa 100% responsable con el medio ambiente.

Traditional Nata makes it easy to order online, instore, over the phone, or whatever else is convenient for my crazy life around Vancouver. Thanks for being awesome, and having the best pretend al pastor tacos on earth!

Mary Smith
everyday customer

About Us

Mariel Vera Monter (She/Her)

Store owner

¿Quién no recuerda las mañanas de los domingos cuando eras niño, toda la familia reunida y el tradicional desayuno donde no podía faltar el exquisito sabor de Nata en tu pan?

 Who does not remember Sunday mornings when you were a child, the whole family together and the traditional breakfast where you could not miss the exquisite taste of Nata on your bread?


Pickup in person or get delivered !

¡Retiro en persona o envío a domicilio!


13615 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, BC V3T 0P7

Business Hours

Monday - Saturday

11 a.m. - 8 p.m.

